Featured Endorsements

Odette Spruijt
MBChB, Dip.Obs., FRACP, FRAChPM|Founder and Exec Member, Australasian Palliative Link International
“Palliative care aims to relieve severe health-related suffering through expert symptom control and person -centred medical care. I support the work of the ACA to promote best end of life care for Australians.”

David Kissane AC
MD MPM FRANZCP FAChPM FACLP |Professor of Palliative Care Research, University of Notre Dame Australia; Professor of Psychiatry, Monash University
“Develop palliative care and protect the mentally ill – do not allow physician-assisted suicide”

Dr. Mukesh Haikerwal AC
Former Chair Of Council AMA, Past President AMA|General Medical Practitioner
“The VAD laws were passed in an atmosphere of fear and mis-information.”

John Murtagh AO
MBBS, Bsc, Bed, FRACGP, DipOBST RCOG|Emeritus Professor, General Practice, Monash University
“It is pleasing to note that ACA is emphasising the importance of appropriate access to palliative care.”

T. John Martin AO
FAA, FRS|Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Melbourne
“I am very pleased to endorse the Australian Care Alliance.”