A careful examination of the evidence from those jurisdictions that have laws permitting either assisted suicide or euthanasia shows that at least twelve categories of people would be at risk of wrongful deaths.
Some proponents of legalising assisted suicide or euthanasia admit that it is the case that wrongful deaths will occur.
Henry Marsh, a noted British neurosurgeon and champion of assisted suicide, famously said,
“Even if a few grannies are bullied into committing suicide, isn’t that a price worth paying so that all these other people can die with dignity?”
This is the question that anyone considering this issue needs to ask.
The proper tests for a law permitting assisted suicide or euthanasia are the ones that are usually applied to any proposal to reintroduce capital punishment:
“Can we craft a law that will ensure there will not be even one wrongful death?”
"Can we ensure that any deaths under this law are humane - that is both rapid and peaceful?"
Both simple logic and the available evidence show that neither of these outcomes are achievable.
Download a booklet on all Twelve Categories of Wrongful Death or read further below: